Post dressing up

As a woman you never know where life will take you for a night out or other event where you get to dress up your beautiful body. So, I have kept three variety styled pairs of heels, the sexy wear with a dress, the boots-boots, and just about to touch the bottom of your calf heel boots, for emergency swaggy dress-up moments. A nice pair of heels can make or break the outfit. Plus with the added benefits of feeling magnificently sexy, again, is a personal duty of mine to have kept this small variety on hand. Not anymore.

It feels like someone decided I was doll and popped off my left leg and then put it back on, but did it is backwards this fine morning. Arigato! Yes, arigato! I can step completely out of denial. My body has successfully made me aware that flats and tennis shoes are the way to go. Even with this full awareness acknowledge, I must also acknowledge that tennis shoes have to be changed out every two months! It doesn’t matter who makes them, whether the treads are wore or not, because my legs will immediately have shin splints. Ouch.

Comfort moment: “All true healing begins at the feet.” (Archangel Zadkiel and Yoga of Self-Ascension is where I learned this. I’m sure there is reference in many other denominations.)

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