Zone of nonjudgment during “over stimulation”

What a gift to have an day off this week! Yes! With that said, I have had the gift of gratitude and keeping my eyes inward since a “blast off” of energy. Holy cow. During a little whirlwind, which included a wellness check that didn’t end well, I stopped everything and picked up the phone to call a friend! Ha! *Find the humor!

Going back and forth, acknowledging the re-balancing, people freaking out (even now at the time of this writing – early, early in the beautiful sunrise) comes down to “over stimulation”. In other words, wakie, wakie pay attention. (Awareness. Experience. Choice. Arigato!)

Universe has an incredible way of co-creating the “dream” one holds. (A.K.A. your vision.) Makes me wonder at times if I’m really a co-creator or just not doing my part to pay attention to what I’m co-creating since energy is neutral. I’m going with the second half since I know I can see the habit of allowing distraction energy, in a way. Ha! Gratitude! *Find the humor! Keep your eyes on the Divine at all times, and have fun doing it. Basically, come back to center, breathe, Arigato!/gratitude, and go with the clarity of the vision. I get it now. How incredible, amazing…even. Love! Love! Love! wheels for the hot wheels! Gosh golly, I love my knee slappers.

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