When was the last time you reflected upon your badass self? Admitting you are a badass, no matter who you are, is the first step. So, before we go any further, grab pen and paper (!, manual) and write down three names, then three sentences, of who’s life you have effected the most since being alive. That’s right you badass, you are going to It’s a Wonderful Life yourself to begin recognizing how amazing you are. And to think, whatever is discovered in those few moments, if you don’t like it or want to do more, you can. All right, done?
The joys of reframing ourselves out of old paradigms, begins wonderful reframing moments as we move throughout our journey in, through and with life. We just don’t focus enough on a NOW and soon-to-be NOW moments, with love, beginning with ourselves. I guarantee you that if you were to begin a list of every-thing you love, or think you love, you wouldn’t put your name at the top of the list. Out of five people I proposed that phrase/question too, not one put their name on their own list.
Trust me…in my journal today, I had to step back and reframe in short timeline-ish form a few moments at work for the next phase of my growth. I had begun to sink into old paradigm habits of pain, ie. “I’m a bad guy,” or “why me?”. No. No more. I went back and looked at my own paragraphs of who’s life was better because I was in it, good/bad/indifferent. Viola!
If you want a magic pill, 1% growth of awareness begins the next journey of your badass life. Write it out. See it. Then where do you want to go. Draw a little map. Keep it visible with the knowing, you will have to course correct since every-one’s situation, living, etc. is different. (In other words, don’t compare.) Reverse the old paradigm as you begin witnessing, and then be amazed at who and what will be provided to enter to help you expand beyond.