“Oh my gosh, I did it.” That was the first thought upon re-viewing my Ikigai this morning. (Copy and paste Ikigai for a wealth of information.) In the not so long ago past, I was asked to take a look at it again, but this time to “think outside the box”. Well, I shrugged off […]
Free Joyful Inspirations of Creative Art
How do you share your joyful inspiration of art creations?
Like and Love Affair
Embrace every aspect of who you are and when the like/love affair arises, change your perspective. We are ALL navigating our daily lives and require greater compassion for ourselves first, then the world. Notice what you notice. Update your tools. Be awesome.
No spiritual practices are wrong
The art of paying attention is a weaving in ones journey of life: the Yoga of Self-Ascension. Neither you or I came with a manual of “how-to” or what past life energy carried forward to now; therefore, expand your spiritual practices and lift.