Let your smile be one of your superpowers

I want YOU to give yourself the longest pat on your back, switching the hands to each shoulder for having courage to live and BE here now. This is important. Encourage yourself more. Go on.

I’ve been playing with two phrases lately that have unlocked certain dynamics within me. The two phrases have been allowing me to see, know, recognize, etcetera a little more belief(s) and patterns.
I’m just going to put it out there and then add an opinion and super short stories.
“Ethically hacking myself” and “Bag(s)-o-misperceptions”

Ethically hacking myself has consisted of riding the wave of going to the library and reintroducing myself to the vast knowledge/confirmation to topics of interest. It’s one thing to be a life long reader and comprehension of materials; it is another when the click happens. Different questions arise with the wisdom you already have, be it through bookworm knowledge or life experience, thus having witnessed your own growth that is now unlocking rapidly. Additionally, in the power of ethically hacking myself, I have found that I have seen how, where, and duh’s of catching the judgments. The power of self-forgiveness has been and IS a great ally. It is in the past. I, WE, are co-creators of the present and soon-to-be. I self-inquiry quicker now. (One being: Where am I dwelling? Where is my energy?) Many, many resources have taught that power IS within each of us. Ultimately: Own it.

In the realm of the bag(s)-o-misperceptions I will share this short story. On an errand I noticed the woman assisting me was wearing a chakra bracelet. I extended the compliment with those words “chakra bracelet”. She had the courage to ask what I meant. I gave the example and she said she would look it up, especially since it was a gift. The misperception I encountered through this interaction was the notion that I thought she had heard of the chakras through any means be it a magazine, podcast, in another conversation, or somewhere. I have heavily encountered my misperceptions over the last two months. Needless to say, eye opening.

Now, work the phrases together for yourself, and allow YOU to congratulate YOU. Smile. Let your smile be one of your superpower.

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