Balance and small victories
I’m often amazed during conversations, when the idea of what rich and poor is comes bubbling to the surface. Recently, rent increases were showered over the complex and without fail, about 50% were slicing and dicing the tit for tat. A little education takes place, assistance in helping them find the gratitude that it isn’t […]
A smile and joy
Ah, rewinding a moment to Friday afternoon, heading off to work in disastrous construction traffic, my little brain was playing a scene from “Frosty the Snowman”. The scene was where the girl says, “hey the hats back…” they put it on him and he says, “Happy Birthday!” Sprinkles of JOY! So, I decided there was […]
Zone of nonjudgment during “over stimulation”
What a gift to have an day off this week! Yes! With that said, I have had the gift of gratitude and keeping my eyes inward since a “blast off” of energy. Holy cow. During a little whirlwind, which included a wellness check that didn’t end well, I stopped everything and picked up the phone […]
The other day
at work I was asked, “are you a reader?” She preceded to let me know the only reason she asked was because she saw my tattoos. I answered, “yes, but I don’t do that anymore.” I explained the traditional sense of what a reader is/still does out there. I let her know I’m more into […]