Releasing my plants for renewal

I love bringing the outdoors, indoors; plants! The wafting smell of dirt, with the sight of the green beauties, gets me every time I come in from anything. So, this little journey of releasing two of my plants, supposedly “indoor palms”, was difficult. It’s taken me three weeks working up the release and asking a friend of mine if he could take them and plant them in their yard. Okay. Okay. I’ve known since winter that this would be the last year of them being indoors, unless I got the absolute largest size – ceramic – planters for the roots to be free for expansion. Well, I did release my plants for renewal yesterday.

At times, it isn’t easy knowing what we are guided to do and then having to do it. Trust yourself more, and trust that the Universe has your back (ie providing the way for…whatever). With great love, here are a few pictures of the indoor palms.

View from the floor

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